
Thursday 29 September 2011

assessment #2 Blog Post

For assessment number two I created a website about my world witch mainly covered my main interest of kneeboarding. I created this website through the use of a tool called I web. I web helped me to begin with a simple layout that I could then change and manipulate to make my own. I executed this by changing such things as fonts, text colours, background styles, images and information. My web page consisted of four linked pages. a welcome page, about me page, my boards page and a slide show page of kneeboarding. Within my website I added working links to three kneeboarding sites that could keep any kneeboarding fan busy for days. And if that wasn't enough I also added links to my private blogger, flickr and delicious accounts. Once my web design and information was up to par I then uploaded it to the Internet using a program called fetch. I really enjoyed this assesement and learnt some great new skills. I hope to make more websites for friends and family in the future.

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